Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Copies of important documents

I am currently gathering up all important documents to make copies. This includes birth Cetificates, passports, wills, and insurance info.  I figure three copies of each should be enough, plus the originals.

A copy will go to my husband's work.  A copy will go to the inlaws, and a copy will go into a "bug out bag", which I will discuss in a later post.

I may make an extra copy just so I have one on hand.

For a more detailed list of things you should have,  I found this site.

It's an american site....but the info is mostly the same of what we should have on hand...Just in case of an emergency or disaster.

**This is an edit...as I was going through papers, I realized that I should also add a copy of Medical documents that I consider necessary.  We have a child with aspergers, and a copy of his assessment is definitely a necessary.


  1. The originals are in a bank safe deposit box. I scanned each document before stashing them, so I have electronic files on my hard drive.

    Have I backed up the hard drive? Of course not.

  2. Ok....but what happens if the bank is closed and the computer isn't available....physical copies needed.
