Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Now I understand why no one is really prepared!

Yeah...I honestly thought that this would be easy.  So you buy some food, you get all your stuff together, you know what you need to do.....yada yada....

and yet...i am struggling with it!  I have two very busy children, a husband and of course a business....well....that in it's self is enough!  The computer doesn't sucks me in!

Sigh....Tomorrow afternoon nothing is here's hoping I can get to that list that I promised you yesterday!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

So...over the Holidays I came up with a list of things that I feel we would need to get us through two weeks of no access to groceries or electricity.  I will tell you that this involves my fondue pot....and my kettle, since we have a small battery to run it.

I am still finalizing this list but will post it this week.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Yep, I've been absent a bit.

School started and i was just so busy!  I'm back now.

Just want to quickly review what we've done so far and I think I'm going to add it at the end of everypost.

We've made copies of all important documents and put them in a binder for easy access in case of a fire.
We've also given a copy of said items to a friend or family member, in case something happens and you can't get yours at your house.

We have a list of items that we need to start buying to put in a tote.  Of course we are also buying water.

We have learned how important water is.  At least I have.

Today I want us to make a quick plan, listing everything that we think would be the most important in an emergency situation.  I have to think long and hard on this one.  There are so many things that could be a priority.  Where to start is confusing and can be overwhelming.  So let's do it now.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another Water Update!

Last Saturday we took the kids to Marineland!  It was fun!  It was awesome!  A great time was had by all!

What I did find out was this:  WATER WATER WATER!  was needed.  There was nine of us....Four adults and 5 children - all under the age of five and do you know how much fluid we went through???  18 liters of water and 12 540ml of juice.  There were also three bought cups of Pepsi.

It was hot!  It was humid!

Couldn't believe how much water the kids consumed.  I couldn't believe how much water I consumed!

Am I worried about water?  You betcha!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Need Backpacks start those 72 hour kits

So, now it's time to start our 72 hour kits.  I'm going to call these bug out bags....BOBs.  

We need to find backpacks.  One for each family member.  Thrift stores, salvation armies, are all great places to get used, cheap ones, that are in pretty good shape.  

You can also wait until school supplies go on sale and pick up the bags then.  You may actually already have them laying around the house.  

I've seen people put their 72 hour kits in milk jugs, in boxes, in totes.  I think the backpacks are the best idea, especially if you get the kind that buckles across the chest.  Easier to carry, leave your hands free and harder for someone to take.  

For the kids, this is a great idea as well, if it's on their backs it's easier for them.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Water On Sale At Zellers!

4 Litre bottles of water are on sale at Zellers this week.  .99$

Remember you need 4L Per Day Per Person!  So if you are preparing for 72 hours, you need 3x the number of people in your family.  Just in case you can't do the math yourself.  LOL

While I'm at it.

I just picked up some stuff at the dollar store.  They had camping stuff....end of their stuff.  I got emergency blankets for a buck, little emergency cook stoves, some compressed towels...etc. All to put in our emergency packs.

Much cheaper than anywhere else...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Disappointing Results.....

Yep...that's what I got after carefully combing every single flyer a couple times this past couple days.  Not a single thing on my list for sale.


So when I went shopping today, I bought lentils.  I bought a 1 kg bag  of green lentils for $1.97.  They also had a small bag of a variety of dry lentils and barley used to make soup, thought I would buy it and try to make it using the thermos.  It was $.97.

So I guess I have made a little progress.

How goes yours?